Element Logic's use of cookies

This Cookie policy describes how Element Logic uses cookies on its website https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no.

Edit your Cookie Preferences

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Element Logic do also use cookies, and that is for three main purposes:

  • Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, so that Element Logic knows how the website performs. Element Logic use these cookies to improve how the website works. All information these cookies collect, is anonymous.


  • Advertising cookies provide information about our visitors’ digital behaviors. The advertising cookies provided by Google AdWords has its purpose to re-engage visitors that are likely to become customers based on the visitor’s online behavior across websites. The advertising cookies provided by Microsoft Dynamics 365 has its purpose to distribute interest-based content to current and potential customers.


  • Functionality cookies is on our website in order to remember your above choices to improve your experience when browsing the site. This information is not used for any other purpose.

If you consent, we only install the cookies that serve these purposes. Please see the table below for a detailed description of the cookies we use. You may change or withdraw your consent at any time on this page. Here you can adjust the available sliders to “on” or “off”, then clicking “save and close”.

Some of the cookies described here collects personal data. For your rights as a data subject, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Most web browsers also allow you some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org. To opt-out of cookies you can also visit www.aboutads.info/choices.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no/), we use Google Analytics. This service uses cookies to collects, store and use technical information about your equipment and interaction with our website (session data).

We process your personal data gathered through the cookies from Google Analytics to design, optimize, evaluate, develop, and improve Element Logic’s website. Google Analytics provides us with a web analysis service and creates pseudonymized user profiles.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no), we use Google Maps. This service uses cookies to collect, store and use technical information about your interaction with our website (session data).

This is an interactive map which enables you to display our location. We process your personal data to provide you with an interactive map to show you our location.

If you consent to the use of Google Maps, the map will be shown on our website. Your IP-address and information that you have visited our website will be sent to Google. Google will on its own servers store this information.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no), we use YouTube. This service uses cookies to collect, store and use technical information about your interaction with our website (session data).

We use YouTube in its enhanced privacy mode to show you videos. We process your personal data to provide you with videos from our YouTube channel.

The enhanced privacy mode means that YouTube will receive your IP address, the date and time the video was displayed, as well as information that you have visited our website. This data will only be transmitted to the YouTube server if you start a video.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no), we use the service Clarity provided by Microsoft. Clarity is a behavior analytics tool that helps us understand how users interact with our website. The service process session data and information ow the page is rendering, and user interactions such as mouse movements, clicks and scrolls.

Please note that when you give your consent, Microsoft collects or receives Personal Data from you to provide Microsoft Advertising.  You can find more information in the Microsoft Privacy Statements:  https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no) we use the service Google AdWords. We use the service to perform targeted advertising towards Googles services and third-party websites.

You can find more information about how Google use the information here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no) we have embedded the service Facebook-pixel. A Facebook pixel is a plug-in that resides on our website and collects information for Meta. The pixel collects information from the cookies in your browser and sends it back to Facebook where the information is combined with data from your Facebook profile. The information collected can be related to your user behavior (demographic data such as age, gender, interests) or actions you perform such as clicking on links. The information is only available at an anonymized and aggregated level. The information is used for analytical purposes, targeted advertising based on your user behavior (remarketing), and to identify target groups for advertising that have a profile similar to yours and therefore have a potential opportunity to have a similar action pattern or need.

On this website (https://elementlogic-sg.nucleoid.no) we have embedded the service LinkedIn Insight. The LinkedIn Insight Tag allows Element Logic to collect data about LinkedIn members’ visits to our website, including URL, referrer, IP address, device and browser properties (user agent), and timestamp. The information is used in order to send targeted advertising based on the data collected. The IP addresses are truncated or hashed (when used to reach members across devices), and members’ direct identifiers are removed within seven days to make the data pseudonymized. These remaining, pseudonymized data are then deleted within 180 days.